Get More Cetane with Premium Dieselex-4
Both new and old engines benefit from diesel fuel with high cetane levels. Cetane plays an important role during the fuel combustion process and helps users get the most value from every gallon of fuel used.
What is cetane? The cetane value of diesel fuel is an indicator of how readily and completely the fuel burns in the combustion chamber.
Generally speaking, the higher the cetane number, the faster the fuel will ignite and the more completely it will burn. These attributes are important because as the fuel burns faster and more completely, the engine experiences greater performance, generates less noise and produces fewer harmful emissions. In other words, cetane is a measure of the ignition quality of diesel fuel; the higher this number, the easier it is to start a diesel engine.
Tested regularly, PDX-4 consisently produces some of the highest motor cetane numbers found anywhere in the Midwest. This high cetane fuel helps cold engines start quicker, significantly improves combustion efficiency, and reduces harmful emissions. Simply put, engines just perform better when powered by Premium Dieselex-4.